MobileMenu Card is a novel way of giving the guest a new experience in the Restaurants. The guest will have the complete freedom in selecting the menu of their choice. The MobileMenuCard is stuffed with features and functionality to keep the guest engaged throughout their stay in the restaurant.

Visual menu selection
Advanced description of the menu items
Advanced Menu Description
This apps will be intergrated with the POS and Kitchen printer. Once the guest places the order they will be informed about the maximum waiting time for serving food. This make the guest mentally prepared for the wait and by the time they are exposed to the feature of the apps explained above. From entertainment to useful information of the item a large store of information will make the available for the guest.
This apps will be available for the guest to download into their mobile with special features of ordering from their apps when they visit again. Also they can reserve seats and menu before they come to dine.
Functionalities in Detail
By MobileMenu the customer will never get bored during waiting till receiving his order, MobileMenu introduce new features in entertainment like.
Category based items
Reduce the complexity of customer from choosing the item, MobileMenu categorize the items by category followed by the sub-category to locate the items easily.
Item with Suitable combination
Single touch is enough to order not only the selected item, and also with the suitable combinations. This feature will help the guest to choose suitable combination for the items already selected avoiding the guest to search from other pages or categories.
Food Items
Items are shown to the customer with
Item Tips
As part of the marketing survey findings elite customer always has the urge to know more about the item they like to consume. There are few who will google to find relevant information of the item. To quench the thirst of such customer we have collected some important and interesting information of the item which is displayed. The guest can spend time to know more about the item ordered.
MobileMenu introduce feature for customer to know the details of the ordered food items, like
Offer & Special Items
Offer Items
Different approach is needed to withstand today competitive business world, to attract the customer attention restaurant may offer new offer for festival and season time.
For this reason MobileMenu introduce an offer page to send the offer details to the customer with
Today Special
In every day the special items are displayed to the customer with
Cart Operations
Every selected item is role on the cart, this is review page for the customer,
Cart display the
Bill Generation
Customer can raise the bill by "Close the Order". The customer gets total itemized billing for confirmation.
Advanced Features
Customer Retention
To advertise about our restaurant to the customer, the Home page is design for representing the Restaurant information like establishment, service and contact details.
Fast and Reliable:
MobileMenu is designed to engage the customer so that they feel important while waiting for the item to be served. Security is our main motto for keep the data safe,
Effective Updatable
MobileMenu is designed for support the centralization system. The information can updatable from the server at Restaurant.. Unlimited version can be maintained.
Compatibility with All Android Devices
MobileMenu is compatible on all android tablet devices from 3 inches to 10 inches.
ROI - Return on investment
For any business and a smart business man the ultimate question before introducing any new technology or device would be ROI. This is decides the profitability of the organization and he subsequent existence of the Restaurant itself.
Re-printing of the menu card is avoided totally on occasions like. Printing of the menu card is a quite cumbersome, complicated and high cost because of low volume. These additional cost can be totally avoided.
Reduction of waiters. With minimum no of staff the restaurant will be able to give extra service to the customer. With single waiter to just monitor the usage of the MobileMenu any decent restaurant will be able to manage. The avaialability of man power, retention and managing them is a herculean task which can be avoided through this MobileMenu.
Attracting customer through novel technology - there a lot of customer needs change, something different and new experience. This will help to attract new customer and also retain existing elite customers.