Handiman is one of the interesting mobile app in terms of utility to the users on their day to day activities. Just wake up from bed, water doesn't come when you open the tap. Is that the problem with the tank, or pipe or the tap. Power is available in the front room and no power in the master bed room. How do I sleep. Is that the problem with the board, wire or the switch. Confused. All these need technical expertise. Each one of us are good at something and not surely good in everything. So we need technical experts to solve this issue. How do we get them. We cannot reach them we don't have their contact information or we don't know how to contact them.

Here we go. Just install the Handiman. Your ready reckoner for the above issues. Handiman is a pervasive platform for these technicians who will register with Handiman giving certain basic details of their technical expertise and particularly the contact details like mobile no, email id etc. all that the user like you and me has to down load the app. Search for the required technicians and you get a list of technical manpower near your area. Handiman provides you facility to call them directly from the app and get in touch. The problem is solved.
Almost all the technical resources are brought into the Handiman like
Drill down into each category you car further reach individual task like if you click on house keeping you get
Select the profile, call the concerned resource and get your job done.....