Searching for the best teachers is critical in your journey in search for knowledge and better career. Teachers make the lucid influence in a child's growth path. Every teachers is mentor in the child's life and getting the right resource is every time the responsibility of the parent. Lookforgurus is the unique website which connects the faculties and the student community. Both the parents and the students can look for the best teachers in terms of different parameters at their choice. Location based searches, subject based searches will enable the user with easy location of best teachers near their locality.

How it works ?
Look for gurus is a innovative platform offered to the teaching community to get the best exposure to the outer world. This acts as the bridge between the wants of the students and the availability of teachers.
It's a free portal where the teachers can register online for FREE. With basic mandatory details the teachers can post additional features. The profile of the teacher will be captured in the database.
Students looking for teachers may feed in the required detail and start the search. The list of all the teachers complying to the requirement will be populated with basic details. The students can click on the same and try to communicate the teachers he/she is looking for.
Online Exam - Every teacher has the option of conducting online test to their students. Register now for free and get the power of online exam instantaneously. (subject to conditions)
Virtual class room - Teachers have now the choice of creating their own virtual class room for the students. Register now for free and get the power of the Virtual Class Room (Subject to conditions)
Defining Success
There are several consistent factors that continuously make for successful Students, who routinely improve their academic performance and increase self-efficacy. With the assistance of Private tutors.
Tutors build strong, personal relationships with their students.
Tutors fill a different role than teachers and parents, and that puts them in a unique position to support students.
Personal relationships are foundational to student success -- the more connected a student feels to his or her tutor, the more the tutor creates trust and respect, essential ingredients for students to learn well.
When a tutor listens and spends time building a relationship with his or her student, that tutor can :
It has been established that high percentage of students were more likely to increase their homework completion and accuracy with a tutor who builds a strong, personal relationship with them
Also students were more likely to set goals, use their weekly agenda, and improve their general study skills and organizational strategies.
Successful tutors listen and communicate often with parents
Communication and collaboration with all stakeholders are key factors to student success.
When tutors focus on goal setting, creating benchmarks and planning backwards, this sets students up for academic progress.
Successful tutors co-create individualized learning plans with their students, in collaboration with parents, to leverage insight from students' lives and map a better plan for success and accountability.
Successful tutors have specific content expertise.
A truly successful tutor can make learning real, relevant and rigorous.
Such tutors are experts in their academic content -- they know the subject's concepts, ideas and problems inside out.
Even though most tutors may never get to facilitate a custom project-based learning session, they can discuss and introduce the rigor of real-life applications.