Geo Salesman
Every marketing organisation with aim of selling their goods employ sales force. Each organisation has their unique way of generating leads, follow up either directly or through phone calls and finally closing the sales through transfer of goods and receiving of consideration for the sales made.
This app will give a leverage to such sales force to handle all the activities throughout the sales cycle. The main stake holders of this apps will be the Sales Representatives who are on the field and the Managers who will track and monitor the sales force. Conventionally each sales representative will submit a sales report either end of the day or weekly or fortnightly or monthly based on the size of the organisation.

The main challenges in such reports are
The information reaches the manager considerably late so that the manager is not able to take proactive steps if there is any lacunae.
The sales representative can make false reporting which defeats the very purpose of the reporting system.
Through this app both these challenges are address where by the sales representative are tracked and monitored on the go and hence no separate reporting mechanism is required. Since the representatives are not required to submit activity reports, mis-information is totally avoided. Concurrent information is available to the Manager allowing them to take proactive steps instantaneously.
The reporting system is mainly developed to be generic to be accommodated to any sales process and hence a pervasive approach to the sales management is given to bring in the best out of the apps. These are the following indicators required by the management to monitor and track the sales representatives. This also gives the sales representative a professional guidance to convert leads into opportunities bringing profitability to the organisation.
The flow chart below will explain the process flow of sales life cycle of each client at various stages. The sales represtatives will adhere to the below process and updates information at each and every stage of the process, thereby bringing transparency to the management.